Posts Tagged ‘stress management’
Do you emotionally eat? You may be a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’
If I were to name ONE thing that changed everything when it came to finally finding peace with food and my body, this would be it. It literally changed my life. It was a catalyst in dropping my first 10 pounds after years of deprivation and doubling up on workouts got me nowhere. It’s what…
Read MoreHow to Curb Your Sugar Cravings
I hope you had a fantastic and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend! Zach and I spent this one down the shore with my family in Ocean City, NJ. But one thing that always used to plague me after a weekend, holiday or not, were sugar cravings. For years it seemed like I couldn’t exercise or eat…
Read MoreWhat Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Body
Do you work out, eat healthy… yet still have excess weight hanging on? I’ve seen a lot of women try to up the ante by working out more often (or more intensely)… Like choosing a crazy boot-camp class burning 500 MORE calories than their beloved yoga class in hopes that it’ll put their booty back…
Read MoreJessica Procini & Jolene Hart on Emotional Beauty & Glowing From The Inside Out
Did you know that a woman will spend over $15,000 on makeup in her lifetime? I believe it. In fact, a few years ago there was a time when I wouldn’t leave the house without makeup on. And if I had a friend sleep over, I’d even SLEEP with concealer and foundation on to mask…
Read MoreJ-CiniTV Riddle Time!
Ever lose a bunch a weight only to gain it back a few months or years later? It’s like whatever you were doing stopped working and the pounds slowly start to come back. Your belly starts to feel a little bit flabbier until that dreadful day when you can’t zip your pants. And there you…
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