How to Curb Your Sugar Cravings

I hope you had a fantastic and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend! Zach and I spent this one down the shore with my family in Ocean City, NJ. But one thing that always used to plague me after a weekend, holiday or not, were sugar cravings. For years it seemed like I couldn’t exercise or eat…

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What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Body

Do you work out, eat healthy… yet still have excess weight hanging on? I’ve seen a lot of women try to up the ante by working out more often (or more intensely)… Like choosing a crazy boot-camp class burning 500 MORE calories than their beloved yoga class in hopes that it’ll put their booty back…

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J-CiniTV Riddle Time!

Ever lose a bunch a weight only to gain it back a few months or years later? It’s like whatever you were doing stopped working and the pounds slowly start to come back. Your belly starts to feel a little bit flabbier until that dreadful day when you can’t zip your pants. And there you…

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