A Whole New You Podcast: Episode 55: Breaking Free From Emotional Eating with Jessica Procini
Jessica Procini is an Emotional Eating Healer and the founder of Escape From Emotional Eating®.
She is on a mission to help others use food as fuel rather than as a way to cope, soothe, or escape their busy, stressful lives. She consciously created and specifically designed Escape From Emotional Eating from her own emotional eating journey because Overeaters Anonymous didn’t resonate, and therapy wasn’t enough when it came to getting help to fully end her fight with food.
Now being 100% free from her compulsions with food, she helps others do the same through all her levels of support, such as her retreats, called The ESCAPE, her year-long transformational programs and through her various public, talks, events and workshops.
Listen to the full episode HERE!