If you want to truly thrive in this world, using food to cope will only get in your way.
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You're in the right place if:
You want to thrive in this world but using food to cope is holding you back from reaching higher levels of success in your personal and/or professional life.
You have already made great progress when it comes to your health and healing (heck, you're probably a health coach yourself!) and you are ready to take it to the next, more advanced level.
You value high-level intuitive coaches so you can breakthrough your own inner glass ceiling because you strive for excellence in all that you do (and you don't pretend to be able to do everything all by yourself).

Since 2011, Jessica Procini, the founder and leader of Escape From Emotional Eating®, has been helping high-performing women embody their full potential by healing the roots of their overeating, binge eating, and emotional eating.