6 Aspects That Make Escape From Emotional Eating Completely Different Than Anything You’ve Tried In The Past To Heal Your Relationship With Food.
Designed specifically for women who strive for excellence
You don’t fit the typical stereotype of an emotional eater. Therapy isn't cutting it. Overeaters Anonymous doesn’t resonate with you. And an eating disorder clinic feels too severe, too extreme for your struggles. You are smart, driven, and successful…but peace with food, your body, and yourself remains elusive.
Committed To Getting To Your Core Issues
We go way beyond “what” you are eating and geek out on the “why” behind your eating. We address all aspects of your being - your physical body, your emotional body, the voices in your head, and the yearning in your soul. We are committed to getting to the root, because anything less will not work.
Your relationship with food, no matter how complicated, is the doorway to your freedom. As you do the work with Jessica to heal your relationship with food, everything in your life gets better - your career, your finances, your relationships, mothering your children like a she-wolf, etc. because the common denominator is you. As you get better, everything gets better too.

Working 1:1 with Jessica Procini
Jessica's unique blend of personal experience, professional expertise, and innate intuitive abilities are what make working with her so life-changing. Get a taste for what it’s like to receive this high-level support by booking an Escape From Emotional Eating Discovery Session today!
Focused Action & Accountability
If you are looking for a place to solely vent your feelings, energetically vomit, or act out past wounding - I suggest you look elsewhere. Here, we are committed to true change and growth. That means not just talking about what needs to change, but having the willingness to be responsible for your behavior and ultimately wanting your actions to change.
A Suite of Transformational Tools
Digesting Emotions®, The Fear Flush®, and Trigger Re-Training™ are just a few of the many, many tools you will become learn here and only here at Escape From Emotional Eating. So when life hands you a sh*t sandwich, you always have a tool you can reach for to help you thrive.
Here Are The Steps We’ll Take Together In The Escape From Emotional Eating Programs To End Your Fight With Food:
First, we must move your nervous system out of its hyper-vigilant fight-flight-freeze state into a rest-restore-rejuvenate setting. You’ll learn the core practice of Energy Management via the Escape From Emotional Eating Energy Management Tools, like The Fear Flush® and Digesting Emotions®. This is where peace, not anxiety, becomes your new normal.
Looking for a way to "dip your toe" into this unique approach before exploring a bigger program?
Start here! ⤵️
Each of the signature Escape From Emotional Eating Programs varies in levels of support and accountability. Book your Discovery Session with Jessica to discover which long-term program and level of support is the best match for you!
Baby Step Program
A great place to start with this different approach.
All-In Program
You want to be all in and have the level of support to match it.
Sweet Spot Program
The perfect amount of support - not too little and not too much.
Embody Your Full Potential Program
An Advanced Program for women who are already free from emotional eating.