Emotional Eating Only Makes
Turbulent Times More Turbulent
What do YOU choose?
In these times of turbulence and uncertainty, it can be easy to revert back to old self-destructive coping mechanisms like emotional eating to soothe, cope, and attempt to escape these challenging times.
But in truth, emotional eating only makes turbulent times, more turbulent.
Emotional eating only distracts you. Now is a time to be present.
Emotional eating creates more stress and anxiety. Now is a time to be clear.
Emotional eating steals your power. Now is a time to reclaim your power.
Emotional eating silences your voice. Now is a time to speak up.
Emotional eating traps you in a fog of avoidance. Now is a time to take action.
It’s time now more than ever to heal your Roots Of Emotional Eating so you can be free. Free to be present, clear, in your power, and taking action.

I’m Jessica Procini, the founder of Escape From Emotional Eating®. From over 10 years of deep dedicated research in the Psychology of Eating and having spent 20 years in the emotional eating cycle myself, I discovered the 4 Roots of Emotional Eating®.
When I first discovered these Roots, I focused on healing them fully and completely myself. Now it’s been over 5 years since I’ve emotionally eaten. I no longer feel compulsive with food at all.
Then, I introduced these 4 Roots of my clients. When they received focused support in healing these specific roots, an acceleration occurred for them too! Their emotional eating healed a lot more quickly. Many reached new milestones of being free from emotional eating for 8 months, 12 months and 16 months consistently!
And even as the pandemic hit and we all felt it’s shockwaves for months, myself and my clients continue to be free from emotional eating!

With all this in mind are you going to choose to continue to emotionally eat?
4 Roots of Emotional Eating
Clarity Quiz
Beginners Guide
Now you have the opportunity to get clear on which of the 4 Roots is triggering your emotional eating with the Clarity Quiz. Then you’ll learn how to start working with your specific root to transform it in the exercises I share with you in the Beginners Guide. All this to support you in finally breaking free from the emotional eating cycle!
Get the 4 Roots of Emotional Eating
Clarity Quiz
Beginners Guide
Originally $148
Now $128
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Once you purchase this special bundle of resources, I will send you an email with your login details to access the Clarity Quiz & Beginners Guide.
1) The 4 Roots of Emotional Eating Clarity Quiz
This 24 question assessment will show you which of the 4 Roots is currently triggering your emotional eating.

You’ll no longer be cycling through the same old guilt-shame cycle of “why did I just eat all that again!?” This quiz will give you the clarity you need to take focused action to heal the root of your food issues.
When you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou

2) The 4 Roots of Emotional Eating Beginners Guide
In this 15 page workbook you’ll receive:
- An in-depth explanation of each of the 4 Roots of Emotional Eating…including the one that’s triggering you the most
- Examples of how these 4 Roots are showing up in your relationship with food
- How each of these 4 Roots drive the emotional eating cycle of insanity
- Why everything you’ve tried in the past to control your emotional eating hasn’t worked…and what to do now
- 4 Transformational Exercises that you can take action on today to break free from the roots of your emotional eating
Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to re-take the Clarity Quiz at any time and re-work the Transformational Exercises with each root, because different life events will trigger different roots.
Get the 4 Roots of Emotional Eating
Clarity Quiz
Beginners Guide
Originally $148
Now $128
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Here's what's possible when you heal your Roots Of Emotional Eating:
I'm finally free from my emotional eating!
Before The ESCAPE Program, I reached a point where I was sick and tired of being tortured by food. I had tried Weight Watchers and a nutritionist... both of which I would rebel against and sabotage myself. Nothing touched the mean voices in my head. As a health coach myself, I knew so much about food but I just couldn’t get myself to do it so I decided to Escape From Emotional Eating.
First, I lost 12 pounds even before I showed up on the ESCAPE simply from what I was learning in the Foundational Trainings! Once on the retreat, I learned how to fully put food back as fuel. The mean inner voices stopped and for the first time in my life, I have peace in my mind. I got my self-confidence and self-esteem back. The Escape was such a warm, supportive group where I felt really safe to do this deeper work. I didn’t want to leave. I am a completely different person because of this!
Dr. Karen Wallet, Health Coach ♥ Marlton, NJ
Escape Program Client
I no longer use food to numb or self-sabotage.
When I first started my Escape From Emotional Eating journey, I would sneak through the fast-food drive-thru, scarf down a meal, then hide the evidence hoping no one will discover my shameful secret addiction. I would always tell myself, “just this one, I’ll do better next time” but never did. Gaining 20 pounds in 6 months really scared me. I felt out of control with food and wanted to take back my control, my health, and my life.
Now, I feel free. I no longer use food to numb or self-sabotage. I know how to manage my energy and FEEL my feelings. Even though I lost 40 pounds (which was way beyond what I expected), I no longer obsessively monitor my weight. My blood pressure has come down into the healthy, normal range. I prioritize rest and no longer push myself to the point of total exhaustion. This work has not only transformed my relationship with myself, but also with my mother, ex-husband, my husband, my children, and the Divine.
Recently my yoga teacher said to me, “You look really great. And not just that you’ve lost weight but you have a more calm, positive, happier energy around you.”
Thank you Jessica for helping me get there!
Christine Coffee ♥ Pittsburgh, PA
Escape Program Client
I no longer need food to self-medicate!
Before Escape From Emotional Eating, I would binge eat fried foods until I felt so sick. To me, food was the only thing I had that made me happy. I disliked myself so much that I could not imagine one moment where I was not criticizing myself and I thought I would never ever be free from that pain.
Jessica was the first person who told me nothing was wrong with me, but I just have to do things differently. That was one of the most powerful statements I had ever heard. It’s changed how I view myself and how I approach things.
Now, I no longer binge eat fried food till I feel sick. I eat food that fuels my body rather than soothing my emotions. I have completely shifted my relationship with my anxiety – going from a 9 out of 10 to a 4. I no longer need food to self-medicate. I have a nourishing intimate relationship with myself. I have become a compassionate confident empowered woman who stands up for what I want, even if it’s different. With all the extra energy that I got back from ending my fight with food I started stand-up comedy and really honing that craft. I have a freedom that I’ve always craved.
Lily Callaway ♥ Dallas, TX
Escape+VIP Program Client
Get the 4 Roots of Emotional Eating
Clarity Quiz
Beginners Guide
Originally $148
Now $128
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About Jessica Procini, Founder of Escape From Emotional Eating
Jessica Procini is on a mission to help high-achieving women heal the roots of their emotional eating so they can use food as fuel rather than a way to cope, soothe and attempt to escape their busy, stressful life.
From over a decade of research and her own personal emotional eating journey, Jessica consciously created her uniquely effective Escape From Emotional Eating process and programs because Overeaters Anonymous didn't resonate with her and the 932 hours she spent in therapy never helped her end her fight with food. Jessica knew there needed to be a different kind of support...one that got to the roots of her emotional eating.
Now being 100% free from her compulsions with food, Jessica helps other high-achieving women do the same through all her levels of support such as her year-long transformational programs, her retreats called the ESCAPE and through her various public talks, events and workshops.
Jessica and her work have received awards from the Institute of Psychology of Eating three years in a row. She has appeared in various media outlets such as ABC, CBS, and MindBodyGreen, just to name a few. For more information about Jessica and her various transformational programs, please visit: www.EscapeFromEmotionalEating.com
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs, resources and it’s potential. Any claims made of actual changes or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.