How To Avoid Holiday Stress Eating
Presents and parties added to the already overwhelming list of daily to-do’s is enough to make you go comatose in about 2 seconds. Right?
When you’re up to your eyeballs in stress and feeling like the walls of your world are collapsing as each minute goes by, realize that stress puts you in a catatonic space.
It can nearly be impossible to think straight, let alone make decisions that are in alignment with your desire to slim down.
Let’s be honest, we can’t make our day 28 hours long and you can’t not feed your kid or pick them up from school.
So what to do when your to-do list gets high and you’ve got about 5 seconds before you find some reprieve in that big bag of potato chips?
Well, it all comes down to you.
Meaning how you take care of yourself.
Ever notice when you’re really taken care of…well fed, well rested, and even just wearing something that makes you feel like a million bucks… you get more done? And you’re more outgoing without that second cup of coffee.
You MUST make sure your batteries are charged.
Because let’s face it, it’s like a war out there.
That’s why in today’s episode of J-Cini TV, we’re calling in the troops. I’m dishing out my secret weapon that gets me through the insanity.
I do this regularly.
Don’t just survive this holiday season, thrive…with this:
Got a way you thrive during the holidays? Share it with us in the comments below the video!
Thanks for tuning in!
Love, health & laughter,
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