A few of my favorite things (Sept. 2023 Edition)

Every once in a while, I come across something that brings me so much joy that I just have to share it with the people I love.
Since you are a part of my inner circle 😉, I wanted to share a few things I have been using and loving in my personal life in hopes that it will elevate yours as well!
Here is what I’ve been excited about this season:

Superfoods For Superwoman!
Looking for a healthy on-the-go snack?
I’ve really been loving Elemental Superfoods’ Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Super Seed Bars.
Their ingredients are 🌟- which is rare when it comes to a bar! And I’ve found them satiating, yummy, and stabilizing for my energy too.
I’ve been having them as a pre or post-ballet class snack, and they were great to keep in the cooler on the beach this summer!
I love them so much that I reached out to the company, and they gave me a 15% discount for my friends and family (that’s you 😉😉) – use code ESCAPE for 15% off your first order. ENJOY! 😋

Most mornings, I’ll roll out of bed and do about 10-20 minutes of some gentle yoga first thing. This supports me in taking up full residency inside my body without having to change out of my PJs. 🤓
Recently, I’ve been LOVING the yin yoga classes on the Peloton app.
If you have the app, I did this class ⤴️ this week, and it was exactly what my body needed.
If you don’t have the app, Peloton said I can invite my friends with a complimentary 60-day guest pass! Woop Woop!
And I’d love to connect on there! My username is JessPro. 💞
My Favorite Book This Year
My dear friend sent me this book (among many others) for my birthday this year, and I finally sank my teeth into it over the summer.
It was one of my favorite books I’ve read this year and easily claimed a spot next to one of my other favorite books, City Of Girls, that I recommend to e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e.
I’m counting down the days until the book comes to AppleTV+ on October 13th (also my husband’s birthday 🎈)!
OK! I hope you find something fun or inspiring in these resources that support your body, mind, and soul in being of full service to you, your calling, and your purpose.
Remember, if you want to thrive in this world, using food to cope will only get in your way.
I’d love to hear what you’re currently loving too… got a new recipe, book, or gizmo that brings joy to your life? I’d love to hear about it! Just hit “reply” and let me know!
In service to your freedom,

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