Death by Deadlines? Lemme help you!

Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

Got a year-end deadline looming that’s triggering your stress eating? I’m here to help you. 

For women who strive for excellence, deadlines can be a blessing and a curse.

It’s a blessing because you love to get things done. You thrive on that sense of accomplishment… when it’s all over.

But it’s a living hell day in and day out for the weeks leading up.

The stress.
The overwhelm.
The go-go-go.
The fear.
The anxiety.
The intensity. 
The pressure. 
The sleepless nights. 

The more you try to “just suck it up and push through”, the more food you suck down.

To cope. 
To soothe.
To escape.

It’s just not sustainable. Or healthy.

So what’s a high-achieving woman like yourself to do?
Allow me to help. 

Let’s start with two important foundational pieces that you need to know:

First:  If you want to thrive in this world, using food to cope will only get in your way.

Because using food to cope only makes accomplishing hard things (like tight deadlines) more hard.

Second:  In the grand scheme of things, it’s not the deadline that needs to change. Because if it does, a new one will be set and your hell will just start all over again.  

What really needs to change is your relationship with the deadline.

For example, when you think of your looming deadline… what is the story you are telling yourself?

Maybe something variation of, “I won’t get this done in time.”


“If I don’t get this done in time, then I’ll…[insert catastrophic consequencethat usually ends in having to live in a cardboard box and beg for food].”


“Can’t you see how hard I’m working?! How do you expect me to get this all done?”

Whatever negative, fear-based, mental hurricane of stories you are telling yourself are expressions from the hidden, vicious little bugs in the software system of your brain.

These mental bugs are the same ones that go FULL-ON-FREAK MODE about what you ate last night or how tight your pants fit. They’re the reason you hate certain pictures of yourself.

In my work with my clients, we identify these inner bugs. 

Then, we start peeling their sticky little fingers from the steering wheel of your life. We let them know they are receiving a “job promotion” and they’ll be receiving important training to update the skills and methods they use to support you.

It’s important to remember that your inner bugs have a positive intention for you. They want to keep you alive and successful. But the methods they are using are so outdated. They’re operating like it’s 1904, not 2024.

With methods that are so archaic, they are no longer supporting you… they’re holding you back!

With their consent – they LOVE a new challenge and a promotion – we reassign them to the backseat of the car and strap them in using the safest 5-point harness. That way they are managed and in YOUR control.

Then, I teach and train you on how to sit in the driver’s seat of your life and take the wheel.

With me as your co-pilot, you build inner resources to RISE UP to challenges– whether it’s a tight deadline, a terrible breakup, or working with people who annoy you.

No more breaking down!

From here, you have more focuscreativityflexibility, and agency to create solutions that work FOR you.

Rather than unconsciously engaging in behaviors that tear you down, like overeating, people-pleasing, and self-silencing. 

In your day-to-day life, it’ll feel like time is expanding, deadlines are no big deal, and food is simple…eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full.

Wanna start working on this process today? Start with the story… when you see/think/feel your deadline… what is the story you are telling yourself? 

If you’ve been looking for the right hands-on coach to teach, train, and support your mastery of these skills and more, then click here right now and let’s discover if we’re a fantastic fit to work together.

In service to your freedom (and your biggest achievements),

P.S. Here’s a little story in case you needed to hear it from another high-achiever just like you:

“Before my Escape From Emotional Eating journey I was pushing so hard at work I didn’t realize the impact that it had on me physically and emotionally. I worked 14-18 hour days even though I was completely exhausted.  I would mindlessly eat all the time and look down at an empty plate and not even remember eating it. I had trouble sleeping and was on medication for high blood pressure. I also had this “dessert monster” that made me really compulsive with food. When it would take over, I couldn’t stop eating.

I finally decided to Escape From Emotional Eating because I didn’t want to be exhausted and numb for the rest of my life. I wanted to be present with my family. I wanted to be fulfilled, not overly full. 

Now, I am no longer an emotional eater! I have been free from overeating for 11 months and counting!  

I have a healthy, nourishing relationship with food and my body that feels second nature to me now. With Jessica’s help I’ve learned how to stop overeating, overworking, and overpromising at the cost of myself. Now I have healthy boundaries with food, time, and what I’m willing to take on. I easily say yes to what serves me and a gracious no to what doesn’t, in ALL aspects of my life, not just with food.

I don’t use food to cope anymore… even in intense, stressful, and challenging times! That old “dessert monster” is completely gone! I have healthy habits around rest, rejuvenation, and sleep. I am no longer taking medicine for my blood pressure! I’m more present and available for my loved ones, which means the world to me.

As a single mom, I will always have a lot on my plate. But thanks to Jessica, I now know how to handle it way better than before. ” 

– L.P., Georgia

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