“I learned something new!”

Listen to this podcast because you’ll learn something new about your relationship with food.
If you’re short on time, I recommend jumping in around the 11:11 mark.
From there, Rita asks some hard questions like, “Is all emotional eating bad?” and many more.
My answers will shock you and the “a-ha!” moments are abundant throughout this episode so listen now!
In service to your freedom,
P.S. After you listen, I invite you to hit reply on this email and let me know: what was an “a-ha!” you had from this episode?
I’d love to hear from you and my door is always open. Plus, it helps me know what to share more of with you.
Can’t wait to hear from you!
P.P.S. Rita opens the episode with a beautiful centering and grounding exercise. It never ceases to amaze me how a few seconds can shift how we feel in our bodies. I hope you’ll let yourself receive this.
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