A few of my favorite things

Every once in a while, I come across something that brings me so much joy that I just have to share it with the people I love. So, since you are a part of my inner circle 😉 I wanted to share a few things I have been using and loving in my personal life in hopes that it will elevate yours as well!
Here is what I’ve been excited about this season:

Back in January, I returned to Adult Ballet Classes after a 3-year break due to the pandemic. And I’m SO happy to be back dancing again.
The adult ballet community has changed SO much, for the better, DUE to the pandemic like more class options, more people in class = more new adult ballet friends, and so much more inclusivity (something the ballet world has desperately needed).
If you’re someone who has danced on and off throughout your life OR have been looking into going to a ballet class, but haven’t mustered the courage to go… consider this your sign.
You might just find a new kind of hobby, or community, your body loves!
Or, even better, maybe we’ll be in class together! (If so, PLEASE come say hi! ❤️)

Last week, I was meandering through the aisles of Mom’s Market and ended up purchasing these dark chocolate-covered rice cakes. They were on sale (winning!) and from the package, they checked all my boxes. I thought, “how bad can these be?”
Now I’m wishing I bought more than 1 bag! They ARE good and with relatively clean ingredients – that’s a win-win in my book!
They’re great for when you need a little hit of dark chocolate but would like the experience to last more than 2 milliseconds.
If you try them, let me know how you like them!

Times are a’changing… can you feel it? Recently I’ve felt life is returning to that old-familiar pre-pandemic frenetic turbo speed, with bloated to-do lists and super squishy calendars. And I’ve had to recreate and re-negotiate my schedule and routine to make sure that with the changes in my lifestyle, I’m still honoring the natural hunger rhythm of my body.
Because it can be SO easy to get caught in that old-familiar trap of “forgetting” to eat because you’re so busy.
With that, Zach and I have really been leaning into the “cook once, eat multiple times if possible” principle.
I went through my saved recipes (hot tip: I like to save recipes I come across that check my boxes to my “reading list” in Safari. So when I’m looking for something new, I just pull up my list – such a time saver!) and pulled out this gem.
I made it (note: you must know that I HATE cooking, so I tend to stick to super-simple things if I am going to make anything) with the intention of it being a great satiating but-not-too-heavy meal to have on nights I have ballet or other engagements.
And it’s been a win!
I used rice instead of orzo to make it gluten-free. And used curly kale instead of spinach.
I froze individual portions in ball jars, so freezing, thawing, and reheating was a snap.
Highly recommend!
OK! I hope you find something fun or inspiring in these resources that support your body, mind, and soul in being of full service to you, your calling, and your purpose. Remember, if you want to thrive in this world, using food to cope will only get in your way.
I’d love to hear what you’re currently loving too… got a new recipe, book, or gizmo that brings joy to your life? I’d love to hear about it! Just hit “reply” and let me know!
In service to your freedom,

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