Are you at peace with food?

When my dear friend Jodi told me that this was the 3rd year in a row that she was hosting her online series to support people in no longer sacrificing or side-lining their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health – and then invited me to be a part of it, I immediately said yes!
And I saved you a seat! Click here to claim it now!
In this series called GLOBAL CONSCIOUS HEALTH SUMMIT 3.0, Jodi is interviewing 33 experts (including me!) on topics ranging from emotional eating, stress relief, healing trauma, meditation, finding happiness, spiritually, loving your body and yourself, and more.
Here are just some of the things you’ll learn:
• Proven strategies to reduce stress, no matter what you’re doing, so you can truly enjoy every aspect of your life.
• How to thrive and not just survive in your day-to-day life – yes, it is possible!
• How to heal your body, through foods, balancing hormones, healing trauma, meditation, healthy eating habits, creating joy and connection.
• How to go from your head to your heart and become conscious about the choices you are making so you can feel love for yourself and live your best, healthiest life.
• And so much more.
Plus, you’ll receive a gift from each expert and you’ll go from feeling anxious and tired to peaceful and vibrant!
I’m so excited that I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. Click here to claim your free pass!
You can watch each interview from your home or on the go from your phone.
I HIGHLY recommend this resource if you are experiencing new challenges with your health or noticing old patterns resurfacing.
I’m so glad I get to share Jodi’s event with YOU.
Click here to register for the Global Conscious Health Summit 3.0!
In service to your freedom,
P.S. My interview releases on November 14 so reserve your spot right here right now and mark your calendar!
P.P.S. I asked Jodi for special permission to share a clip of our conversation with you ahead of time 😉 so click here to watch this 2-minute clip. It’s just a taste of the powerful conversation she and I had that will change your relationship with food and yourself!
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