emotional maturity
Think about this: were you ever taught healthy, doable ways to manage and move through difficult thoughts, emotions, and experiences?
I know I wasn’t.
When I finally discovered I was an emotional eater (even though I didn’t have hundreds of pounds to lose and was already a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner), I also discovered that because I hadn’t been taught healthy right-for-me ways to manage and move through difficult thoughts, feelings, and experiences that I had the emotional maturity and intelligence of a 10-year-old. 😳
I was close to 30 years old at that time. 😳😳😳
Now I’ve come a loooooooong way since then.
Now I no longer use food as a way to “come down” after an intense day or experience.
Instead, I’ve become emotionally literate and know very deeply the language of my body.
I no longer feel overwhelmed by the thoughts or sensations in my mind and body.
I have such a higher level of emotional and energetic fitness and stamina. (Which is a big deal for a deep feeler like me! 😂)
Food is no longer my go-to when it comes to celebrating or “treating” myself.
Instead, I know what types of pure love and acknowledgment nourish my soul AND my body.
And my relationship with food is free from guilt, shame, and the old chaotic cycle of “ugh, why did I just eat all of that?!”
I know these may seem like bold claims (even as I’m typing this, I can hear this small scrappy voice in my head is like, “really, Jessica?!”), but this is true.
I can confidently say I now know easy, doable, healthy ways to move through difficult thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experiences thanks to tools like Digesting Emotions®, The Fear Flush®, Trigger Re-Training™, and more!
These tools I originally developed for myself when my 932 hours of therapy weren’t touching my deeply rooted problem of using food to cope.
Now, these tools, among many others, are what I teach every one of my clients.
Here is what a few of them are saying:
“Digesting Emotions took me from crazy grief to calm in a matter of minutes – something that would have taken me DAYS or even weeks without this tool.” – C.S.
“The Fear Flush is helping me so much these days!” – M.S.
“Your tools changed my life.” – C.C.
If you are already successful in so many areas of your life, except this most sacred one with food, because you’ve never been taught healthy, doable ways to manage and move through difficult thoughts, feelings, and experiences, then click here right now so your emotional body can receive the support she truly needs.
In service to your freedom,