emotionally eating through the debate

Channel Your Outrage into Action - Jessica Procini

I submitted my application to be a poll worker here in Philadelphia on Election Day.

I have no idea if I’ll be selected or if this is even the right choice for my physical health or my highly sensitive nervous system, but it has been something that has been “with me” for weeks now since I saw the original call for workers.

As I saw people’s posts about emotionally eating through the debate and even felt my own triggers to numb the outrage and intensity I felt…I felt like this was deja vu of 2016.

We have the choice to do this election differently.

We have the choice of how we handle this

I know that stuffing it, numbing it, ignoring it – with food, alcohol, or other distractions is not the answer.

Emotional Eating only makes difficult times more difficult.

Emotional Eating only numbs us. Now is a time to feel.

Because feeling —> creates change. It motivates you to action.

So as I was in the shower on Wednesday morning, the message was clear, “Channel your outrage into action. Do not stuff it.”

And as soon as I got out, I completed my application and submitted it.

Here’s to showing up.

Here’s to doing things differently.

Here’s to feeling it all.

With love, 

Spread the Word!

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