Food, Fun, Self-Sabotage

Stop and think about this… When you think about having fun, is eating usually involved?
While I do firmly believe that our relationship with food must involve pleasure, there is a very unhealthy socialized pattern where food = fun = self-sabotage.
I was recently asked about this on a podcast interview I did and I wanted to share a clip of that with you now. Click here to listen.
I can guarantee these 2 and a half minutes will start to shift and realign your relationship with food AND fun.
It’s so important you receive both in a healthy, aligned way!
In service to your freedom,
P.S. Have a question or challenge that you keep bumping up against when it comes to realigning your relationship with food? Simply hit “reply” to this email and send it my way! I’d love to hear from you. I’ll answer it in an upcoming weekly email OR respond to you directly. 😘
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