“hooked” on food? here’s why…

Your eating behaviors are driven by your mindset, emotions, beliefs, and past experiences.
In order to truly heal your relationship with food (where you are using food as a nourishing asset rather than a self-destructive one) we have to untangle your mind, emotions, beliefs, and past experiences from food.
This process of untangling is at the core of our work together in Escape From Emotional Eating. It’s what makes my work different than the other kinds of support out there. It’s what I love doing so much!
Focusing on fitness and nutrition isn’t enough to truly heal your relationship with food because your mind, emotions, beliefs, and past experiences will still interfere. Leaving you still “hooked” on food.
In our work together, we start this untangling process by teasing apart your emotional hunger from your physical hunger.
So you can eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. And so you can meet your emotional needs too like how to comfort, soothe, and relax without eating till you’re numb.
When your mind, emotions, beliefs, and past experiences stop interfering with your relationship with food, your relationship with food stops interfering with the life you want to live.
It’s how true freedom and peace occur, <<First Name>>.
Ready for your relationship with food to stop interfering with the life you want to live? Then click here right now and let’s talk.
It’s time to set you free.
In service to your freedom,

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