How to Enjoy Your Favorite Foods Guilt Free!
I used to think, in order to have a body I loved, I’d have to swear off my favorite foods FOREVER.
No cookies. No cake. No chocolate.
I gave this a valiant effort for some time (about 2 weeks was all I could stand) before feeling like I was going insane in food jail.
Did I really think I was going to spend the next 50+ years of my life without having ONE cookie?
Yeah right! That’s so unrealistic!
I wanted it all…
To have my cookies AND be free from weight loss worries if I ate them!
To say YES to cake AND feel slim, light and trim in my body!
To say YES to chocolate from a conscious place rather than compelled to eat it!
Some might say, “that’s impossible!” but with Laugh Yourself Skinny® Success System it’s now my reality.
And today, I want to share how you can do it too!
In today’s episode of J-ciniTV I share step-by-step how you can eat the foods you love without slipping into a binge.
Please note: I’m NOT talking about the 80/20 rule. And this is NOT just another “everything in moderation” recommendation.
You need to do this instead:
Because your favorite foods aren’t the problem. The problem is what’s driving you to eat them uncontrollably.
And in Laugh Yourself Skinny®, I support you in discovering the hidden causes behind your emotional eating, so you can be FREE!
Curious if LYS is right for you? Let’s schedule a time to chat! Start by filling out this form and my team will be in touch to schedule our powerful time together! My gift to you : )
Looking forward to supporting you even more!
All my love,
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