My Before & After Pictures
I’m getting so excited for the f.r.e.e. virtual training I’m hosting this Thursday called “Escape Emotional Eating & Drop 10 Pounds in 5 Days Without Starving Yourself”
If you haven’t already signed up for this, do so NOW ===> HERE <===
I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into this. It’s going to be powerful. Transformational. I can feel it. And I’m so excited to share this with you!
But there’s one piece I’ve been pulling together that I just couldn’t wait till Thursday to share with you.
In fact, I haven’t shared this with ANYONE before.
*deep breath*
They are my before and after pictures. I was 25 pounds heavier and 3 pant sizes bigger.
And I feel really vulnerable sharing this with you, so go easy on me 😉
The photo on the left was taken in 2008. Kinda hilarious that I was holding a cupcake as I was in the thick of my emotional eating at the time.
I remember exactly how I felt sitting at that table.
Heavy. Self-conscious. Trapped inside my body. Like I was wearing a heavy overcoat that was not mine.
On the outside, things might not have looked so bad. On the inside, I felt like I was dying a slow death.
I was searching for control around food and my body in diets and doubling up on workouts. But nothing ever stuck as I would always find my hands right back on the cookies and cupcakes.
My intention in sharing with you is to show you that things CAN be different. That you don’t have to feel like you’re fighting against yourself or food.
This is exactly why I’m committed to delivering this powerful training on Thursday so I can share with you the formula behind building a healthy relationship with food.
The way I found peace and fun with food and continue to support my clients in doing the same.
Let’s put food back in its rightful place, as fuel, so you can take that excess weight overcoat off and finally have freedom around food, your body and your life.
If you haven’t already, sign up to receive this powerful training:
I’m so grateful I can be of service to you.
“See” you Thursday!
Lots of love,
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