ONLY 20 MINUTES LEFT! Let’s do this!

Hi! Touching base one final time to let you know there’s ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT to start ending your emotional eating with a complimentary Escape From Emotional Eating Discovery Session with me!


Don’t wait for your emotional eating to get worse before it gets better.


I’ll only be reviewing applications for the next 20 minutes! 

In service to your freedom,

PS. If you’re thinking, “yeah but I don’t have 100’s of pounds to lose and I already know how to eat healthy.” GREAT! Because I work with women who don’t fit the typical stereotype of emotional eaters. I work with women who are smart, successful, highly motivated and always hungry for more in life. If that sounds like you, click here APPLY NOW and let’s explore your freedom from food.

I feel completely at peace on every level!

Before Escape From Emotional Eating, internally I had an army of voices in my head that would beat me up saying, “you’re not good enough”, “you’re too fat”, or “you’re a lost cause”. I really felt like this fight with food, my body and my emotions were holding me back in my business and getting in the way of the important work I was put on this planet to do.

Now, I am completely free from emotional eating! Food is my friend, it’s no longer something I HAVE to have. More important is that I feel so much better IN my body and I’m more proud of it…no more pain and lots more strength! My mind is much more clear, I am more focused and more grounded.

Emotionally I feel GREAT! My emotions are no longer scattered around all over the place or overwhelming. I actually value and take care of my feelings now. Most of all I’ve learned to love myself and celebrate myself, which used to be very hard for me.

And the best part is that from this freedom from emotional eating, I’ve been able to triple my business as a spiritual channeler, travel internationally with ease and pleasure, and feel completely at peace on every level.

Inga Thengilsdottir, Reykjavik, Iceland

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