Slow down to rest

You are a woman who strives for excellence, *|FNAME|*.
But your go-go-go mentality and do-do-do grind can quickly become unsustainable and violently unhealthy if you don’t do this 1 thing.
Without this 1 thing, you are at war with your body, pushing her way, way, way beyond her limits.
Without this 1 thing, you are at war with your children because you cannot find enough time to be fully present with them.
“I’m so busy” becomes your standard greeting… even a badge of pride as if exhaustion is your trophy.
So, what is this 1 thing that all women who strive for excellence must do consistently (myself included 🙋🏼♀️)?
It is: slow down to rest.
Learning how to slow down to rest, to truly restore and rejuvenate, is so important to creating your success… especially when it comes to breaking free from addictive patterns like overeating and overworking… that it’s something I teach every single client of mine.
And today, in this video, I’ll be sharing a clip from one of the Escape From Emotional Eating Community Support Calls where I’m specifically talking about exactly that: slow down and rest.
Click below to watch now ⤵️

In service to your freedom,

P.S. Busy-ness is an addiction just like overeating, overdrinking, overworking, and over-responsibility.
You know you need help, but there’s this part of you that is kicking, screaming, and doing everything in its power to distract you from taking action and truly changing your behavior.
Which is why I invite you to click here right now to break free from your own inner resistances and take the first step toward your freedom.
The time is now.
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