Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

Want to be your very best? Read this. 

Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

Emotional eating, overeating, and binge eating burn a lot of your internal resources.

Overthinking and obsessing…

Planning and preparing…

Controlling and avoiding…

Distrusting yourself and sleepless nights…

It exhausts your system. 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. Since emotional eating, overeating, and binge eating are symptoms of deeper issues – the longer your core issues go unsupported and unaddressed, the tax on your internal resources grows exponentially

The roots of your emotional eating, overeating, and binge eating are like applications that quietly run in the background of a computer. They consume memory, processing power, battery life, and ultimately slow down performance. A few examples are…

Seeking control 

Suppressing your own needs and opinions

Being overly apologetic

Going to great lengths to please

Contorting and conforming

Playing down your strengths and positive traits

Constantly pre-planning, solving and rehearsing scenarios in your head

Doubting your value and worthiness

Extinguishing your feelings

Wrestling with shame and blame

Failing to fully appreciate and enjoy living in the moment

In addition to your increased heart rate, overworked adrenals, and constant agitation from adrenaline: it’s debilitating

The good news is this can change. It needs to change if you want to be your very best. 

With the right support who will teach you the necessary skills, who will hold you accountable, and help you follow through – especially when things get challenging (because they will) you can change. 

This is exactly what I do with my clients. Over our work together, their emotional eating, overeating, and binge eating becomes extinct. Their energy, focus, and attention gets reclaimed. Peace, integrity, and living in alignment is their new normal. 

And it’s from our work together that they are showing up as their best self no matter what. 

If you want to be free from these burdens so you can show up as your best self too, click here so we can explore if working together would be a fantastic fit. 

Because our world needs you, it needs ALL of you. Especially the parts that your core issues steal. 

In service to your freedom and being your very best, 

Spread the Word!

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