When Losing Weight Feels Impossible, Remember This! A True Story…
I know, it’s not normal for me to be reaching out to you on a day other than Tuesday, but I had the most inspiring story I wanted to share with you. And I just couldn’t wait for another Tuesday to go by to tell you…
I was on CBS last week!
Now, you may not know how big this is for me. Well, honestly, for the both of us.
Yes, you!
You see, I have been wanting to be on TV (the kind in your living room with a channel changer) for as long as I can remember. It’s been years that I’ve had this desire.
I even put my head on Katie Couric’s body and kept this picture as the background on my phone and another printed version on my fridge.
And for years, I had no idea HOW this would happen.
I had no idea how to pitch something, let alone to a TV station.
I knew no one in TV land.
I live in Philadelphia. I told myself these things only happen to people in LA or NYC.
I had no PR agency nor any interest in spending $2K a month to hire one.
I had NO IDEA what I would talk about.
And, what would people think of me?!
At times, I thought this will NEVER happen to me.
Until one day, I got a call from CBS.
And the rest is now history.
The reason why I’m telling you this is because losing weight can feel the exact same way.
And I’m here, with Laugh Yourself Skinny, and this story about how the impossible became possible for me, to tell you, what you want WILL come to you.
Keep going.
Keep dreaming about it.
Heck, even put your head on someone else’s body like I did.
But don’t stop.
No matter how many days pass.
Keep going.
What we desire comes to us. This is proof. The stories of women who have laughed themselves skinny …that’s proof.
You can do this.
I’m with you every step of the way.
Cheers to the impossible becoming possible.
Sending you so much love,
P.S. If you’d like to watch the clip, you can do so here.
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