10 Year Anniversary of Escape From Emotional Eating

Oh my gosh! It’s here! It happened!
Escape From Emotional Eating is 10 years old!
While so much has changed, happened, and been created over the years, like the body of work that has touched the lives of thousands of women (and a handful of really heart-centered men) and the 13 transformational retreats I’ve led, there is one thing that has not changed…
My deep commitment to helping women heal the roots of their relationship with food.
Because I know to the core of my being that when you use food as a nourishing asset instead of a self-destructive one, you become powerful beyond measure.
Because I know to the core of my being that you were not put on this planet to waste your time, energy, and life force being unhealthily obsessed with food and your body.
Because I know to the core of my being, that we as mothers, healers, coaches, and leaders, must heal the roots of our relationship with food so we do not pass down the dysfunction to the next generation.
This is why I created Escape From Emotional Eating. And this is why I have been and will continue to be deeply devoted to setting women free from the dis-ease in their relationships with food and themselves.
With that, I wanted to share how grateful I am for you.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. For allowing yourself to be supported whether you read these weekly check-ins or we’ve worked together for years…I am honored that we are connected and doing this work together.
Now I’d love to hear from you!
I’d love to know whether we’ve known each other for years or we’ve just connected… What was something that you saw or that I’ve shared that made an impact on your relationship with food?
Perhaps it was a video from months ago where I said, “are you hungry or are you tired?” and it really stuck with you…Or was it hearing my own story and struggles with emotional eating that made you feel like “someone finally gets me?”…
Whatever it is, I’d love to know what has inspired you or made you start taking a different, deeper look at your relationship with food… Send me an email and let me know!
I’m serious! This 10 Year Anniversary is a time to celebrate, and I want to celebrate with YOU!
So email me and let me know something that has helped you, and I’ll respond personally and directly to you with a video message!
While 10 years feels like such a big chunk of time, I also feel like we’re just getting started. 🙂
So cheers to another 10 years!
In service to your freedom,

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