30 Ways To Relax Your Nervous System Without Using Food

When trapped in the emotional eating cycle it’s common to think “nothing will take the edge off quite like food.”
But this is just not true.
I put this to the test this week and asked myself “what truly relaxes your nervous system?”
What are all the ways that you know how to “downshift” in a healthy way without guilt, shame, hangovers, or any kind of self-sabotage?
I was amazed to see how many ideas I came up with. Then I shared this same question with my clients in our private forum. I asked them to explore this for themselves.
And our list multiplied proving there truly is an abundance of ways to relax your nervous system without using food.
Now, I invite you to do this same exploration for yourself.
To make this simple for you, I’ve compiled a list of 30+ ways to relax your nervous system – a combination of my personal list and some from my clients too.
Click here to download this resource now.
As your coach my recommendation is to:
1). Download this list right now.
2). Then, print it.
3). Take a highlighter and intuitively scan the list. Highlight each item that resonates with you.
4). Pick one suggestion that you’d like to try on this week. Really research it. Notice how you feel.
5). Add to and subtract from this list over time as you continue your relaxation research.
Extra Credit: Hang this list inside the door of your pantry. Let this list be a “pattern interrupt” from another night of emotional eating.
Instead, give yourself what you truly need – rest, relaxation, and relief – without eating crap to get there.
And of course, let me know how your relaxation research goes! I’d love to hear about it.
Most of all, have fun with this!
In service to your freedom,
P.S. This list is a great baby step in the direction of your healing and I’m so happy to share this resource with you. But there is so much more that goes into truly creating peace with food and your body. If you’re ready to truly heal the roots of your relationship with food so you can embody your full potential click here to apply for support. XO
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