Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

Last week I had the privilege of gathering in person (with covid safety) with a handful of my clients. 

It had been almost 2 years since I last saw them in person. 😭

When I was planning this unique and nourishing experience, I called it The EMBRACE because I wanted the entire experience to feel like a safe and loving hug

I wanted to support them in fully embracing and strengthening their relationship with themselves

💗 Where they honor their voice within, freely. 

💗 Where their inner and outer selves are integrated, indivisible. 

💗 Where they love and trust themselves above all else — no need to apologize, explain or justify. 

Well, we did just that. And so much more. Including a hands-on nourishing and healing experience of eating lunch together. 🌟

I feel so grateful and fulfilled from this day together. My clients are telling me they feel the same. 

We must do this again. 

If you sense you are meant to join us on the next Embrace, go to right now and submit your application. 🌟

At the end of our day together, one of my clients hugged me and said, “I didn’t realize how much I needed this until I was here. Thank you so much for this.” 

Apply now and join us. 

In service to your freedom,

P.S. I do not take any photos of my clients or the work when it’s in progress to protect the sacred space I create and their personal privacy, so no behind-the-scenes photos to share here. 💗

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