3 Ways To Jumpstart Your Post-Holiday Detox
Today is the first official J-ciniTV episode of 2014 and I’m THRILLED to share it with you.
As you can see, the LYS team and I have been working like mighty little mice through a huge makeover and we’ve got such a pretty new playground to Laugh Ourselves Skinny in! After you watch today’s episode, poke around on here and check out the new site!
Anyhooo – I’m sure your holidays and new years were one big month-long celebration that may have you feeling less than fabulous. Don’t get me wrong – I love a good glass of champagne and chocolate cookie sandwiches from Sweet Freedom here in Philly, but after nightly indulgences my body is craving a good cleanse.
Now if you think I’m clearing my social calendar and drinking juice for 3 days straight in an effort to get back on track…come on! You know me better than that!
I’ve learned the hard way that the only thing waiting for me at the end of a juice cleanse is a binge, so I never recommend it to you, especially if you struggle with emotional eating like me.
I’ve got something waaaay better than that.
In this episode of J-ciniTV, I give you a run down of what I’m doing to detox, without wanting to punch my friend and steal her pizza.
Indulge in this week’s dose of skinny:
Now, making change requires ACTION so here’s this week’s “coach’s challenge” which will help you get on the fast track to dropping a pant size.
In the comments below, share: what’s one thing you’re going to do to get back on track without starving yourself?
Excited to get the accountability party going! See you in the conversation below 🙂
Cheers to a love, health and laughter in 2014!
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