are you a change maker?

I was sharing with my clients this week how emotional eating dulls your senses. It weakens your sense of self to where you can’t discern the “simple things” like whether you’re hungry or satiated, thirsty or tired. 

With everything going on in the world today, from the pandemic to racism to everything you have on your plate…

This is NOT the time to numb.

This is NOT the time to stuff yourself till you can’t think about anything other than sleep and food. 

Our world is on fire. 

We need you awake, alive, and feeling it all so you can be the change.

Whether that change looks like showing up everyday fully present for your kids or your clients or something else…

Emotional eating only holds you back. 

This is not a time to accept things we cannot change. 

Instead, it’s a time to change the things we cannot accept. 

Let’s heal your emotional eating so you can stop being held back from the changemaker you are meant to be.

Apply here now.

We have important work to do.

In service to your freedom (and freedom for all),

Spread the Word!

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Feel crazy and compulsive with food?

Are you an emotional eater? Take this quiz - it's FREE!

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