feeling stuck because of your emotional eating?

Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating


Is using food to cope, soothe, and escape your busy, stressful life holding you back from reaching higher levels of success in your personal and professional life? 

If so, you’re not alone. 

The women I work with will tell you how their stress eating has made things in their life heavier and harder

They will tell you how constantly thinking about food distracts them from their work and truly connecting with their kids. And how guilty that makes them feel. 

And they will tell you how they have an inner knowing, a “calling,” to heal their relationship with food so they can be of greater service to our world… whether that’s to mother their kids like a she-wolf or take their heart-driven business to the next level.

Is this resonating with you?

In all of my Escape From Emotional Eating programs, I work with my clients to heal the roots of their relationship with food.

So they can use food as a nourishing asset  – what it is truly meant to be! – rather than compelled to use food in a self-destructive way. 

So how do we go about healing the roots of your emotional eating? 

Well, thanks to my 10 years of research into the Psychology of Eating, plus having been an emotional eater myself, who is now free from that for 6+ years and counting, I discovered the 4 Roots of Emotional Eating®. 

Meaning in our work together, we’ll first identify which combination of the 4 Roots is causing YOUR emotional eating

Then, I’ll support you in step-by-step unlearning of your old, unhealthy behaviors and walk you through learning new behaviors that are aligned with your highest good.

And when you struggle or stumble along the way (because even though you’re a perfectionist, we’re all human, and no one gets anything perfect on the first try), I’ll be there to hold your hand and support you THROUGH it all, every step of the way.

You only have one life and one precious body. 

You were not put on this planet to be held back from all that it has to offer. 

So click here right now and apply so we can connect and explore the steps we’ll take together to set you free

In service to your freedom,

P.S. You might be thinking, “But I’ve tried so many programs and worked with so many practitioners over the years with little results. I’m scared to be fully committed because I’ll just fail again.”  

I hear this from many women, and it’s exactly why I created Escape From Emotional Eating because we, as high-achieving women, need to approach our relationship with food, energy, and our bodies differently. 

Here is what a few of my clients (who said that exact same thing at the start of our work together) are saying now: 

“This program has been a game-changer, and I’ve seen more changes in myself in the last 6 months than I have in the last 6 years (or ever really).” – Carly H., Boston, MA

“This program was different than anything I had tried before. It was a complete paradigm shift and I realize now that it’s not about willpower or dieting or working out a lot, it’s so much deeper than that. I am so grateful for this program and the support to get to the root, my core issues, with food.” – Susie K., Oxnard, CA 

So click here, apply now and let yourself explore which of my programs is a match for you. 

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