how to avoid emotional eating this week (and this season!)

Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

Hey *|FNAME|*! I just wanted to check in as I’ve been thinking of you as we move into and through this time of intensity – the Holidays! 

If you use food to cope, this can be a low time for you… resigning to eating and drinking your way through the next 6 weeks. 

So I wanted to share a few recommendations with you on how to stay grounded and avoid emotional eating this week (and throughout this season). 

Recommendation #1: Manage your energy.

I recommend choosing an energy management tool for the week and engaging with it proactively 1x per day. I’ve been working with Digesting Emotions®, a tool that I teach in my Escape From Emotional Eating Programs, so I’m processing things, not letting them pile up on the inside

Another thing I am doing to support my emotional body by managing my energy is committing to taking a walk outside (no matter how windy and cold) to help me stay grounded. Nature always soothes my sensitive soul and helps me stay connected to myself no matter how frenetic the outside world gets

Recommendation #2: Step away from your screens.

Put down your phone. Turn off the T.V. Pause your online shopping. 

Consciously create time where you are not taking in or taking on things from the outside. This will help you switch out of a constant state of consumption and help you shift into restoration. 

Do this anytime to get back in touch and stay in touch with yourself. 

Recommendation #3: Just because other people are doing it doesn’t mean you have to also.

I’ve already started seeing posts about stress eating, overeating, and a “f*** it” mentality when it comes to food and the Holiday season. If you are trying to overcome patterns of emotional eating, seeing someone else do it can be a slippery temptation to give yourself permission to be self-destructive. Watch out for this. And remember, just because someone else is engaging in a self-destructive cycle doesn’t mean you need to join them. 

Final thoughts…

It’s common to want to try to escape intensity (no matter what season you’re in), but you are strong, and you are capable of weathering this storm – internally and externally.

Food will not make things better. Not in the short term. Certainly not in the long term.

Stay present in your body.

Surrender when you feel yourself trying to “grip” or control. 

Most of all, if you feel like you’ve “lost yourself,” do not wait until the New Year to come home to yourself or your body. 

In service to your freedom,

P.S. If your intuition has been nudging you to receive support to heal your relationship with food would look like, you can follow through on that intuitive nudge by clicking here. Chat soon!

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