Read this before your Holiday meal!

Hi! The American Holiday of Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and if you have a complicated relationship with food, ANY meal can be triggering, even more so for a Holiday Meal.
With you in mind, I wanted to share a few recommendations on how to stay connected to yourself and create peace with food on this holiday.
1). Remember Abundance.
Crazy fear-based thoughts rooted in scarcity like, “I’ll never eat this again,” only fuel overeating and the self-destructive emotional eating cycle.
You know that if you really wanted that pumpkin cheesecake, you could easily go to the store at any time and get one yourself. Or call up your Grandmom on a random day to make you one. (I bet she’d be delighted!)
Bottom line: You will eat again. Food is everywhere.
2). Bless your food and allow it to nourish you.
This will help you remember that eating is a sacred experience and should be treated as such.
3). Trust your body.
Yes, your body already knows what to do. It’s your mind that loves to interfere.
Today is a great day to start practicing trusting your body. Take 3 deep breaths at any time during your day, your meal, or after your meal to reconnect with your body and yourself.
These are just a few basic recommendations I share with my clients too. I recommend you save this email so you can refer back to it tomorrow!
If you know you need more support when it comes to truly untangling your relationship with food, click here and fill out this questionnaire right now.
You’ll hear from me, or a member of my team, on Monday to get something on the calendar to do some discovery together.
Do not put this off.
If you have issues with food, this can be a very challenging and frustrating time of year.
And it doesn’t have to be that way. Click here right now and take the first steps to transform your relationship with food.
I’ll see you on the inside. 😘
In service to your freedom,
P.S. I am so grateful to be connected with you.
In a world that is overwhelmingly saturated with diet culture and millions of modalities that miss the mark, I’m glad we’re connected here and committed to doing the sacred work of healing the roots of your relationship with food.
P.P.S. If you need more support, receive it here. ❤️
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