
How to feel safe in your skin

Many exciting things are happening here! Last week Zach asked me to marry him…

And tonight I’m jumping on a plane to Paris for a girls trip! I’m so excited!

But, in light of the Paris terror attacks, when I confirmed my trip, my father was not thrilled.

He has always worried about my safety.

He’ll lovingly remind me to lock my doors, not wear jewelry outside of my own home for fear of being mugged and will even ask me, “are you safe?!” before we get off the phone.

God bless him.

So when I discovered one of the roots of my emotional eating was that I didn’t feel safe and needed to control EVERYTHING, I could easily point to WHY (my loving father wasn’t the only reason).

Now, I will proudly admit that I have been adopting a “sweet surrender” to the uncertainties of life (cause let’s face it, they’re everywhere) and I can’t even tell you how much energy, time and joy I have gotten back because of it. And how it really supported in my healing my emotional eating.

So how do you start feeling safe in your skin? No matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing, and no matter who you’re around?

It’s in this week’s episode of J-ciniTV!

FYI: Feeling safe is a deep root of emotional eating. Even if the title of the video doesn’t resonate with you, my request is you watch it anyway as this could be something happening unconsciously for you. Therefore, watching this could be major shortcut to healing.

Much love to you and thanks for tuning in!

Love, health & laughter,

Spread the Word!

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