how to retreat during these times

 I am putting the finishing touches on the content for the Summer ESCAPE (which will be our first virtual one!) which is starting on Friday – YAY!

We’ll be focusing on transforming my favorite Root of Emotional Eating™…Fear! I am so proud of my clients who are deeply committed to healing their Roots Of Emotional Eating. It’s going to be a great and healing ESCAPE!

I wanted to share with you a vulnerable message that I shared with my clients about virtual retreats & doing this work…especially during these exceptional times. 

Click below to watch my message:

In service to your freedom,

PS. Next week I’ll be releasing a special resource that I’ve been working on for you so you can start healing your Roots Of Emotional Eating even though you couldn’t be with us on the ESCAPE!  Watch for my email next Sunday! XO

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