How To Soothe Yourself Without Using Food

Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

My birthday is coming up in just a few days (shout out to my fellow Pisces 🐠!) and I wanted to share a very valuable training with you that is all about How To Soothe Yourself Without Using Food – my gift to you! 

In this training you’ll learn: 
– How soothing differs from numbing behavior 
– Why it’s critical you learn how to be the source of your own comfort 
– 4 gentle ways to shift your nervous system out of the hyper-vigilant fight-flight-freeze state into a nourishing rest-restore-rejuvenate state 

Plus! We won’t just talk about the strategies…we’ll practice them together!

Click here to access this super valuable hands-on training!

By the way, this training is a clip from one of my Escape From Emotional Eating Community Support Calls. So, if you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when it comes to what I teach my clientsclick here now! It is about 30 minutes long. I recommend listening to it just like you would your favorite podcast. And if you’re short on time, I recommend listening to it on 1.5x or 2x speed! 

Whatever you do, don’t put this off because I know this will make an impact on how you relate to food and yourself. 

My gift to you! 

In service to your freedom,

P.S. Once you’ve listened, reply to this email and let me know what your biggest takeaway was!

Spread the Word!

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