How To Stop Binging On Halloween Candy
I’m getting super excited for Halloween this year!
One of my best gal pals gifted CJ with this cute little devil costume. Turns out he doesn’t mind wearing it *that* much 😉
I find dog costumes hilarious!
While Halloween can bring a lot of fun parties and costumes, if you’re trying to get your weight under control, Halloween can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.
It’s everywhere. And who hasn’t wished that willpower came in a special little pill so steering clear of it didn’t feel like such a fight!
Behold this week’s episode of J-ciniTV!
No more battling through candy chaos! In this week’s episode I lay out a very specific game plan on how to free yourself from binging on Halloween candy.
Because less fighting = more fun!
Here’s the plan:
Got a gal pal who could also benefit from this plan? Forward this email to her and share the healthy wealth!
And have a safe and very happy Halloween!
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