I used to fear this the most!
In last weeks J-ciniTV episode, we talked about getting to the roots of overeating.
One thing I used to fear the most, and I know a lot of other women do too when it comes to creating freedom from food is… “what’ll happen to me if I stop overeating?”
Then your thoughts start to say…
“It feels like it’ll be really hard”
“I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I can’t use food to comfort me”
“Never having a brownie ever again? Kill me now!”
Having overcome emotional eating myself and now helping 100’s of women do the same, I want you to know that overcoming emotional eating doesn’t have to feel like torture.
I invite you, to join me for a one-on-one conversation about this and to open up the to possibility that no matter what you’ve tried before, things can be different.
During our powerful private time together I’ll listen intimately about what your struggles are with overeating. And from a very unattached place, we’ll get clear on your next steps and if Laugh Yourself Skinny® is the right next step for you.
To schedule one of these complimentary sessions, start by filling out this form now. I will personally review it and my team will be support us in finding a time that works the best.
I so look forward to supporting you!
Lots of love to you!
PS. These private sessions together are very limited. Fill out this form now and receive the rare opportunity for this powerful transformational conversation! Remember, things can be different for you and your relationship with food!
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Are you an emotional eater? Take this quiz - it's FREE!