
I'm coming out

It’s scary, to let everyone see the real you. But, hiding sucks and takes way more energy. So, I’m coming out.

Yep. That was the courageous decision I had to make when I so desperately desired to escape from emotional eating.

Up until that point, I was reeeeeally good at hiding it. I kept it a secret.

I covered my compulsive relationship with food with expensive clothes, beautiful makeup and burning off the perfect amount of calories.

The more I tried to hide my secret, the more weight I gained.

My body was secretly crying for help while I desperately tried to cover it up. But everyone could see… it was written all over me. 

That’s when I made a choice. A choice that changed everything.

I chose to tell my secret.

To one person, a stranger at the time…

To my surprise, that one conversation was a catalyst for deep healing and the beginning of my escape from emotional eating. 

Fast forward to today, where I am 100% free from my compulsions with food. Now food completely nourishes my body and soul and I am my ideal, healthy right- for-me weight.

And now I want to extend the same life line to you, in an Escape From Emotional Eating Discovery Session. (APPLY HERE!)

I’ll hold safe, sacred space for you to share your challenges with emotional eating. I’ll listen intimately and help you connect the dots to why you aren’t free from this chaos with food just yet. We’ll also have the opportunity to explore if the deep transformational work I do is the best next step for you.

Simply fill out this application, which will be sent directly and confidentially to me, and we’ll schedule a time to connect, explore and discover.

As your coach, I wouldn’t ask you to do anything I haven’t already done myself. That’s how I know you can do this.

My door is open. Let’s take the first step together.

With all my heart,

Spread the Word!

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Are you an emotional eater? Take this quiz - it's FREE!

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