In the Philly area? Rare opportunity just for you!
This is my favorite time of year!
Next week is our annual retreat, the Laugh Yourself Skinny® Escape, where I’ll be coaching my clients (from all over the world!) in-person at a beautiful beachfront location.
There is something really magical that happens when we’re together in-person. It’s as if transformation happens just from being in the same room!
Which got me thinking about you…
I’m so sad you won’t be joining us on the Escape this year.
I don’t want you to be left behind because I know you want to end your emotional eating too…
So I’ve put this very special and rare event together just for you!
Next month, I’ll be bringing my Laugh Yourself Skinny® secrets to a very special in-person workshop in your area!
If you want to start to see food as fuel, come to this!
Here are all the details:
What: End Your Fight With Food: A Laugh Yourself Skinny® Workshop
When: Saturday, June 11, 2016 @ 11:30am
Where: The Spirit Of Yoga, 525 East Gay Street, West Chester, PA 19380
What you’ll learn:
How to put food back as fuel instead of using it for comfort, stress relief or anxiety management
A secret weapon already at your fingertips to conquer your naughty food cravings
3 triggers in your daily life that are causing you to overeat and what to do about them
Tickets are limited for this rare and special opportunity and early bird savings is still available so register right here, right now!
I’m really looking forward to giving you a great big hug and supporting you in-person!
Lots of love!
PS. If you’re secretly thinking, “this is so far in advance, I’m going to wait to see what else is going on that day”…I really don’t recommend it!
In fact, it’s THIS very thinking actually just keeps you in a cycle of self-sabotage…where you KNOW that you shouldn’t eat when you aren’t physically hungry, but you aren’t really in ACTION around it.
So let’s put an end to this self-sabotaging cycle right now.
Get your ticket here. Mark your calendar. And I’ll meet you there to hold your hand every step of the way to put food back as fuel.
Loving you every step of the way,
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