New Private Escape From Emotional Eating Programs

In the moments you reach for food to avoid what you feel, you are essentially saying…
“There is nothing I can do about this, so I might as well eat.”
“I have no choice, so I might as well eat.”
“Food is my only true pleasure, so I might as well eat.”
Now let’s take a deeper, more advanced look at this…
No matter how successful you are in any other area of your life… no matter how much therapy or self-development work you’ve done… no matter how enlightened you think you are: how you eat tells all.
When you eat when you aren’t truly hungry, it reveals your core beliefs.
Your core beliefs about feeling, receiving, nourishing, resting, peace, love, joy, security, and abundance.
This is why intermittent fasting isn’t working for you.
Because it’s not addressing what’s beneath the surface.
In my private, one on one work with my clients, I LOVE – love, love, LOVE – peeling back the layers and helping them discover old limiting beliefs that are no longer serving them.
With these once-blindspots now in the spotlight, we update and upgrade your inner world to align with who you are now and who you want to be in the future.
On the inside, you no longer operate from past traumas, scarcity, lack, or limitation.
On the outside, you are free from outdated coping mechanisms, like emotional eating.
Of course, there is a lot more that goes into this process, like ensuring you have the right coach to support you along the way.
That’s why I’ve opened 3 SPOTS in my NEW PRIVATE PROGRAMS. Click here to apply now, and let’s discover if working together, one on one, would be a fantastic fit.
If we’ve worked together in the past and you’ve felt the tug to reach out and explore working together again would look like, then click here and apply now.
You are getting FIRST DIBS on these 3 SPOTS for my NEW PRIVATE PROGRAMS, so don’t put this off.
CLICK HERE. Apply now.
In service to your freedom,
P.S. I’ve been doing this work for 12 years, and over that time, my programs have evolved too. I’m super excited to bring a few fully private programs back into the mix for those who know they are best supported one-on-one. If that’s you, click hereand apply so we can connect and explore more!
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