One Reason You Cant Put Your Fork Down

One Reason You Can’t Put Your Fork Down (And What To Do Instead!)

This past weekend my older bro tied the knot! It was a fun-packed weekend bursting with celebration and once in a lifetime moments.

Me and my brother

Me and my brother!

Speaking of once in a lifetime moments…that brings me to today’s J-ciniTV topic!

This has been coming up a lot in my sessions with my clients and can strike pretty heavily when the festivities and holidays start to roll around.

It’s a major source of feeling uncontrolled around food and leads to eating when you’re already full and even when you know you should stop.

It’s like this fear compels you to keep eating.

Which has you leaving gatherings, celebrations and parties feeling guilty rather than filled full of love from your friends and family.

So let’s put a stop to this!

In this week’s episode of J-ciniTV, we tackle this important source of emotional eating so you can quit feeling out of control with food…especially around your friends and family!

Watch this awesome episode here:

Thanks for tuning in!



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