Some inspiration for you!
Hey! So excited to share with you some amazing transformations from our Spring ESCAPE last week!
See, when love is channeled through an intimate community, like our ESCAPE retreats, where space is created for increased compassion, understanding and deep healing of the root causes for why you numb with food, we’re able to penetrate the toxic darkness and deep transformation occurs.
Here are just a few things people are saying about their ESCAPE experience:
“Something finally clicked and I’m able to eat one of something instead of handfulls.”
“In our 4 days together, my relationship with my anxiety has completely shifted and I didn’t have ANY anxiety when I ate lunch today!”
“I realized I’ve been carrying this emotional burden around with me for 48 years. Today, I have finally been able to let it go.”
Of course, our deep work together getting to the roots of emotional eating manifests in the physical form, too: one woman lost 5 pounds from the ESCAPE, and another had to buy pants 2 sizes smaller when she got home.
Exciting! And all of this is just the beginning for them.
And for you too!
In the next few weeks I’ll be opening the doors for the last few spots for our upcoming Fall ESCAPE so stay tuned for more details coming your way soon!
With love,
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