The BEST podcast – listen to this!

Hiya *|FNAME|*!
I have been eagerly waiting to share this podcast episode with you because this is the best podcast conversation that I’ve had to date!
When we recorded it, I intended to bring a fresh in-depth perspective to emotional eating with valuable takeaways for you to noodle on… to give you some insights you may not have heard me say before… and Sarah and I did exactly that!
I really recommend listening to the whole thing because you’ll benefit from all the pieces – it’s really that good!
Listen now ⤵️

OR click here for the audio version.
In service to your freedom,
P.S. I’d love to hear what’s supportive and insightful about our conversation. So once you listen to this episode, I invite you to reply to this email letting me know what your biggest takeaway was! Like, what was something that really resonated with you?
I’d love to hear from you and my door is always open. Plus, it helps me know what to share more of with you. Can’t wait to hear from you!
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