pressure, perfectionism, exhaustion…and more.

Jessica Procini | Escape From Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating is the way women who strive for excellence deal with…  

👉🏼 pressure 

👉🏼 perfectionism 

👉🏼 exhaustion 

👉🏼 overwhelm

👉🏼 procrastination

👉🏼 insecurity 

👉🏼 always feeling “on” 

👉🏼 rigid standards

👉🏼 endless to-do lists 

👉🏼 not feeling appreciated 

👉🏼 feeling like you never get enough done

Emotional Eating is the one pattern I see all the time that sabotages the brightest and most successful women

Let’s change this together, starting right now. 

Take a moment and tune into the list above. Which of these items are you using food to deal with?

Then, hit reply to this email and share it with me. 


In service to your freedom,

Spread the Word!

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Feel crazy and compulsive with food?

Are you an emotional eater? Take this quiz - it's FREE!

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