Too busy to eat?

Do you have sacred space in your busy calendar to eat a nourishing lunch each and every day?
One of the biggest mistakes that I see mission-driven women like yourself do is not making or taking time and space in your busy day to eat.
Which always results in a massive night-time binge.
I speak from experience.
I used to be “too busy” to eat.
I’d work straight through lunch.
Sometimes I’d shove something in my mouth as I was clack-clack-clacking on my keyboard firing off emails.
Often, I couldn’t remember if I ate or what I ate. I was too busy to slow down or even notice.
As I started healing my emotional eating, I realized this pattern was tangled up in one of the 4 Roots Of Emotional Eating®: FEAR.
The truth is, I was afraid people would think that I was lazy or I wasn’t working hard enough.
I was afraid that if I took time to rest and eat, I’d come back to even more work. There would be even MORE for me to do.
The only way I knew how to cope with these underlying fears at the time was to just. keep. working.
Now, things are very different. 🌟
Now I am a steward to a multiple 6-figure mission, and I take a full hour for lunch right in the middle of my day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
No matter how busy I get, I protect that space no. matter. what.
Because eating is a sacred act and should be treated as such.
I know from experience that I am more present and more productive in less time when I take time to rest, reset and nourish.
Creating and protecting that time and space is my secret weapon. It’s how I am able to fully show up to the intense work that I do at the high level that I do.
It’s how I’m able to keep my energy grounded and sustainable no matter what challenges arise.
It’s how I stay connected to my intuition, which I use in every aspect of my business—especially when working with my clients.
It is also a foundational piece to how I have been free from stress eating for the last 5+ years.
So as your coach, my recommendation is that if you aren’t doing it already, create space to eat. And protect that space.
And if you feel like you can’t, ask yourself, “What is standing in my way?”
Whatever it is, I invite you to bring it to our Discovery Call so I can hear more and we can coach out your next best steps.
Because I can confidently say that whatever is standing in your way is also blocking you from healing your stress eating too.
Click here. Apply now. Let’s work through this together.
In service to your freedom,
PS. When you do work that you love, the challenge becomes managing the compulsion to push yourself to exhaustion. Your body, mind, and soul will get tired. You will need time to rest, restore and nourish. Developing the internal wisdom to know when to step away and developing the strength to follow through on that wisdom (without guilt or fear) is part of the work that I do with my clients. Click here to apply now.
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