Do you love food?
Here is the truth: what you have had up to this point is an obsessive relationship with food. And an obsessive relationship is not love.
To eat foods that make you feel sick…
To constantly be thinking about food…
To be rigid and controlling around it…
This is not healthy.
This is not love.
It’s a tremendous waste of your precious time and energy.
Most of all, it’s weighing you down and holding you back from reaching your full potential.
I know because I’ve been there.
In 2 months, I’ll be crossing the 6 year mark since the last time I emotionally ate. This is a major milestone for me…6 years free from the obsession I used to have with food.
Now I know what it means to be a true lover of food.
Now I take my time with it.
I actually taste what I am eating and delight in it supporting my body.
I eat without guilt, shame, or fear. And I stop with grace and ease.
I eat to be a vibrant superpower.
I can take it or leave it…enjoying food when I am physically hungry or leaving it alone if I’m not.
I can eat by myself without feeling uncomfortable or crazy or wondering who is watching or judging me.
I can eat with other people without self-sacrifice or self-sabotage.
It feels wild to say this because of how crazy and compulsive I used to feel around food, but now I have peace with food.
The best part of having a truly loving relationship with food is that it supports my body, my mind, and my spirit in being a clean, clear vessel for the Divine.
Now it’s time for you, to be free from your obsession with food. It’s time to free your mind, body, and soul from the burdens of your addictive patterns. So, if you’re ready to take the next step (even though you might be a little scared too), click here right now and submit your application so we can connect and explore which level of support and accountability in the Escape From Emotional Eating programs is a fit for you.
In service to your freedom,
P.S. I know you are super busy and have a lot on your plate. That’s why it’s time to heal your relationship with food because an obsessive relationship with food will only slow you down, hold you back and make you physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick. Click here so we can free up more of your precious time and energy by healing your relationship with food.