Why I would eat (a personal story)

Once upon a time, many, many years ago…
When I had finally gotten over the shock that I was an emotional eater…
When I learned that the compulsion I felt towards food was not in any way “normal”…
And when I was finally ready to do the work to create a peaceful relationship with food…
I became aware that I was using food to numb a LOT of the dark feelings I felt.
A constant feeling that no matter what I did, I was never enough.
As I stayed committed to my freedom, continued to surrender to expert support, and did the real work, my emotional eating started to become more and more extinct. This was really exciting for me!
For the first time, I started to believe that true peace and freedom with food was really possible for me.
BUT – That’s when I had another shocking realization. And I see this for ALL the clients I work with…
This realization was that I was ALSO using food to numb the light.
I’m not just talking about the feel-good feelings like…
Yes, I was numbing those. And I see my clients do the same.
But what I’m talking about here is that I was numbing MY light, my power.
Marianne Williamson said it perfectly back in 1992,
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
THIS, *|FNAME|*, is one of the main roots of why I would eat.
Because I had never been taught:
(1) that I had intrinsic power
(2) what that feels like in my body
(3) how to feel SAFE with it
(4) how to use it to support the highest good instead of destroying my fullest potential
When I realized this, I once again deeply committed to my next level of growth and learned what I had once not been taught.
It’s been 8+ years since I have felt any itty bitty piece of compulsion around food. My emotional eating is fully extinct.
I hope you found this story inspiring. I’d love to hear… what piece of this resonated with you?
In my work with my clients, we talk about experiences where they’ve felt powerless, and I support them in reclaiming that power. It’s an important conversation that I believe more people, especially women, need to be having.
So I’d love to hear from you! Hit reply to this email and let me know what resonated with you?
You can expect me to personally respond because that’s who I am and how I roll. 😁
Looking forward to hearing from you!
In service to your freedom,

P.S. If you sense a friend or loved one would resonate with my story here, PLEASE forward this email to them. As I said, this is an important conversation that more people, especially women, need to be having. 💖
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