I just have to brag about this!
Hello from the ESCAPE!
My 3-day transformational retreat – it starts tomorrow – I can’t wait!
And I’m SO proud of the Escapees I’m serving in-person this week and their willingness show up no matter what – they are SO busy so the fact they are here (and some have flown halfway across the world to be here!) is a really big deal! I just have to brag about this!
They know that when we come together in-person in our sacred space that I create for increased compassion, understanding and transformation, they will experience deep cellular change – something they can’t get from an audio training, video or book.
And in spite of their busy demanding lives…
They’ve chosen to show up to honor the part of them that deeply desires to be free from compulsive and unconscious patterns.
They’ve chosen to show up to honor the part of them who deeply desires to feel like their healthiest self.
They’ve chosen to show up to honor the part of them who deeply desires to be at peace in their mind, in their body and in their soul.
I share this with you because I know you too deeply desire these things.
So, I invite you to join me on my next ESCAPE! Simply apply here now.
Then, we’ll connect privately about this when I get back. 🙂
Even if attending a retreat for yourself feels radical, impossible even, apply now and we’ll create a plan.
With love,
PS. I lead multiple ESCAPE retreats a year so I’ll share all the dates, details and options with you when we connect! Apply here now and I’ll call you to schedule something when I get back next week. XO
PPS. Check out the sunrise I caught on our last ESCAPE – breathtaking, right? It felt like the Universe was giving me a great big hug. Just one of the many nourishing, magical and miraculous moments from our retreats. Apply now so you can experience more nourishing, magical and miraculous moments and we can heal your relationship with food together.
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