I thought that if I hired a private chef it would be my ticket to freedom from emotional eating. So when I finally did, I was shocked that it didn’t save me. Not. At. All…I had it all wrong.
I had my chef cook everything for me…breakfast, lunch, dinner…even snacks! Gluten and dairy free. The food was as clean as it could get.
I would finish dinner — cooked by my very own private chef! —and then I would get the PULL.
The PULL to the pantry.
The PULL to the chocolate.
The PULL to eat more (even though I was already physically full).
I knew better. But the PULL… I was a victim of this overwhelming force.
That’s when I realized food wasn’t my problem. It was my mind, my heart & my soul that needed help.
When I started to approach food differently and committed myself to healing from the inside out (instead of seeking superficial answers in clean eating), the PULL disappeared…as if it had been magically lifted out of my life.
My mind was clear, even peaceful. I was no longer cycling in a circus of crazy thoughts about food. Food shifted to being fuel… a nourishing asset to my soul.
From there, I could finally focus on things I was really passionate about, like helping other women Escape From Emotional Eating.
So, if you’ve ever felt the PULL, where you too fall victim to this overwhelming force to eat more even though you know better, then I invite you to have a deeper conversation about this by filling out this application right now for an Escape From Emotional Eating Discovery session.
I know from experience that you don’t have to live the rest of your life fighting the PULL. You can escape it.
Take your first step to true freedom from food by filling out this application right here.
I’ll see you on the other side!
To your one precious body & your one sacred life,
PS. I only have 1 spot open in my schedule for a powerful private conversation to explore how to Escape From Emotional Eating. So if what you read resonated with you, submit your application right now.
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