I really appreciate you!

I am so grateful to be connected with you.
In a world that is overwhelmingly saturated with diet culture and millions of disempowering modalities that miss the mark, I’m so glad we’re connected here.
I am deeply committed to doing the true and real sacred work of helping you heal the roots of your relationship with food/body/self.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, no matter what size or shape that may take.
Over the days, weeks, and many months to come, I will continue to share valuable tips, resources, and mindset shifts to support you along the way.
But today, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge you.
To appreciate you and the connection we have.
You matter to me.
In gratitude and whole-hearted service to your freedom,

P.S. If you missed my email over the weekend that gave specific tips on how to approach your Holiday Meals with peace, you can reconnect with it by clicking here.
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