One Simple Way To Get Back On Track (With Food!)
Ever said this to yourself after overindulging?
“I’ve already fallen off track. Why stop now?”
“ugh! I’m such a failure”
“I’ll start over again tomorrow”
We’ve all been there.
You may think that giving into naughty foods is fun. But I know the shame, blame and guilt of it afterwards sure isn’t.
Because it starts this cycle:
Eat naughty foods -> feel guilty -> eat more naughty foods
If you’ve overindulged, missed a workout or just plain old slipped up, know that the self-sabotaging cycle does not have to continue!
In this weeks episode of J-ciniTV, I share simple steps on how to get right back on track and STAY on track without falling into the guilt, shame self-blame game!
Watch this now:
While slip ups are bound to happen, (first name), remember it is important to stay consistent with taking action in alignment with your goals.
If you’re struggling with that, I’m here to help!
I invite you to receive a one of our complimentary LYS Discovery Sessions where we’ll end the self-sabotaging slip up cycle. To schedule this session fill out this form and my team will be in touch to schedule our powerful time together! My gift to you
Supporting you every step of the way,
PS. The first ever LYS Beach Day was a blast yesterday! You can see some pics from our party over on my instagram account.
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