Ooo! This is BETTER than chocolate!
Do you turn to food to reward, calm yourself or escape your feelings?
And what happens when life get’s overwhelming? Do you feel like you could eat and eat and eat and never be full?
The reason why I ask, is because I KNOW you are busy: the business, the kids, the family, the dog, the house, the holidays…
And this makes me concerned about you.
Because LIFE is STRESSFUL, no matter what time of year it is!
And as everything grows, like the business, the kids, the responsibilities, even the dog… things will only get MORE stressful and MORE busy. Meaning you’ll be turning to food every. single. day.
UNLESS, you learn a BETTER way to escape.
A better way to reward yourself. A more nourishing way to calm yourself.
One that doesn’t leave you feeling foggy and in a food hangover the next day.
That better way is exactly what I teach on the Laugh Yourself Skinny EscapeTM.
And there are only 3 spots left! (Apply for one of them now!)
Each year I take 10 special women to a luxurious beach-front location and show them step-by-step how to escape emotional eating, trust their bodies and fill their souls!
It’s where pounds of stress and excess weight are released and naughty food cravings simply vanish overnight.
This year we’ll be Escaping on May 16th-18th, 2016 to Congress Hall in Cape May, NJ. – Apply now!
This is perfect for you if you are ready to overcome your overeating.
Fill out this short application and I’d be happy to connect further and share all the details with you about this awesome transformational experience!
Excited to have you join us!
Loving you (no matter how busy you are),
PS. It can be easy to put this retreat on your “bucket list” or even say “maybe next year”. I want to be clear that the LYS Escape is not a bucket list item! Because what we’re really talking about is how you live your life.
You deserve to walk lightly through this life with the same sense of joy and ease that a little child has.
Don’t put your life on hold or wait to start really living. It’s time to escape emotional eating and fill your soul on this LYS Escape! Apply here now!
PPS. Here are a few pictures from last years escape!
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