Overeating? Try this right now…
Untangling Physical and Emotional Hunger™ is one of the beginning steps we take together on your Escape From Emotional Eating journey.
It’s important for you to know that using food as fuel is NOT about mastering willpower, restriction, or deprivation. It’s about untangling the wires that you’ve got crossed (like the one’s that say “food is fun!” that lead to overeating and feeling like crap — nothing fun about that!).
When we untangle your physical hunger from your emotional hunger, you’re able to confidently choose what nourishes you.
In each of my Escape From Emotional Eating Programs, this untangling process and the unique way I teach it is very in-depth (it’s a 4-part training series).
Since it’s a key component to your freedom from food, I wanted to share a short clip from a recent podcast interview I did to give you a taste so you can break free from overeating.
Click here to listen to the audio training – it’s 3 minutes and will change your relationship with food.
Since many of my clients are visual learners (I bet you are too!), click here to download the visual guide that accompanies the audio training above.
In service to your freedom,
PS. I’d love to hear what you received from these resources so email me and let me know!